Georg Muffat - Apparatus musico-organisticus 1690: Elisabeth Ullman

Artist: Elisabeth Ullman plays on Egedacher-Orgel, Stift Zwettl
Album: Georg Muffat (1653 – 1704) - Apparatus musico-organisticus 1690
Released: 1994
Label: MDG gold
Catalog N°: 320 0529-2
Genre: Organ music
File format: eac-log-cue-wv, scans. 2CD 543MB

This is my new rip, new scans...

An der 1731 erbauten Orgel des Zisterzienserstiftes Zwettl erklingt Georg Muffats "Apparatus musico-organisticus". Elisabeth Ullmann ist Professorin für Orgel am Mozarteum in Salzburg. Sie spielte mehrere preisgekrönte CD’s für MDG ein.
„Exemplarische Wiedergabe und wichtigste
Gesamteinspielung des Apparatus musico-organisticus 1690 und mit Sicherheit die Referenz." (Diapason)
"The apparatus ... is presented in a release that is impressive in about every respect. Elisabeth Ullmann brings a generous injection of life to the music with her captivating rhythm, vitality, and a pronounced sense of ‘Spielfreude’. Recorded sound is superior." (American Record Guide)
"Elisabeth Ullmann’s MDG recordings have been honored with the German Record Critics Prize and the Wiener Flötenuhr Prize."

Disc 1
01. Toccata prima 05:05
02. Toccata secunda 05:23
03. Toccata tertia 05:36
04. Toccata quarta 05:51
05. Toccata quinta 05:32
06. Toccata sexta 08:38
07. Toccata septima 09:40
08. Toccata octava 06:30
09. Toccata nona 06:05

Disc 2
01. Toccata decima 05:24
02. Toccata undecima 06:48
03. Toccata duodecima et ultima 07:09
04. Ciacona 05:20
05. Passacaglia 14:06
06. Nova Cyclopeias Harmonica 12:19

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pw: betti

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