DIVOX ANTIQUA ORGAN MUSIC: Andrea Marcon - The Heritage Of Frescobaldi Vol. 2

Artist: Andrea Marcon, Organ of the Church Sant' Andrea in Riva (TV)
Album: The Heritage Of Frescobaldi Vol. 2
Released: 1999
Divox Antiqua
Catalog N°:
Classical, Organ
File Format:
eac_iso_flac_cue_log covers 443MB

With Frescobaldi Italian organ music enjoys its finest hour and reaches the greatestheights of expression of its centuries-long history. The art of organ composition, which arose in the late Gothic era and developped during the Renaissance in close contact with the vocal expressions of gregorian chant and polyphony, quickly transcended the imitation of these vocal models to find its autonomy in forms specifically related to the organ, which in this period had reached a striking perfection in the balance of sonoric proportions, mirroring in the instrumental realm the aesthetic ideals within which the vocal ensembles operated.

01. Johann Jacob Froberger - Toccata III 03:42
02. Johann Jacob Froberger - Canzon V 02:29
03. Johann Jacob Froberger - Capriccio III 04:24
04. Johann Jacob Froberger - Toccata VI "da sonarsi alla Levatione" 06:09
05. Johann Jacob Froberger - Fantasia I sopra Ut-Re-Mi-Fa-Sol-La 07:41
06. Alessandro Poglietti - Passacaglia 05:46
07. Sebastian Anton Scherer - Intonatio I quarti toni 01:26
08. Sebastian Anton Scherer - Intonatio II 00:47
09. Sebastian Anton Scherer - Intonatio III 01:45
10. Sebastian Anton Scherer - Intonatio IV 01:14
11. Johann Caspar Kerll - Passacaglia 06:11
12. Francois Roberday - Fugue 2eme 00:58
13. Francois Roberday - Caprice sur le meme sujet 02:08
14. Georg Muffat - Toccata VI 08:20
15. Henry Purcell - Voluntary in G 04:18
16. John Blow - Voluntary in C 05:59
17. Anonimous - Obra de falsas chromaticas 03:38
18. Anonimous - Obta de Lleno de I tono 07:02


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pw: marko

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