DIVOX ANTIQUA on period instruments: Viaggio a Venezia - Stefano Molardi, Virtuosi delle Muse

Artist: Stefano Molardi - I Virtuosi delle Musi
Album: Viaggio a Venezia
Released: 2008
Divox Antiqua
Catalog N°:
File Format: eac wv cue log scans complete. 468MB

...The main figures on this CD are George Frideric Handel (1685-1759) and Nicola Porpora (1686-1768). Both lived and worked in Venice at different times of their lives, and both were sought-after composers in London. Porpora, however, later fell into oblivion after the Neapolitan opera went out of fashion in the late 18th century. Even if Porpora's instrumental works represent only a small percentage of his overall output, the originality of his works was highly esteemed in his day, and the Virtuosi delle Muse succeed in giving voice to the beauty and songfulness of his works. Francesco Gasparini (1668-1727) began his career in Rome before going on to the Ospedale della Pietà in Venice. Antonio Caldara (1670-1736), a native of Venice, was a singer and instrumentalist at San Marco before transferring to Mantua and, later, Vienna. Benedetto Marcello (1686-1739) and Tommaso Albinoni (1671-1750) were members of the Venetian nobility who lived and composed in Venice. Read more

01.    G.F.Haendel / Sinfonia in si bem Maggiore - Allegro        03:54
02.    G.F.Haendel / Sinfonia in si bem Maggiore - Adagio        03:36
03.    G.F.Haendel / Sinfonia in si bem Maggiore - Allegro        02:11
04.    G.F.Haendel / Aria in do min - Hornpipe        01:48
05.    G.F.Haendel / dalla Suite in si bem magg - Minuetto        01:14
06.    G.F.Haendel / dalla Suite in si bem magg - Sarabanda        02:35
07.    G.F.Haendel / dalla Suite in si bem magg - Gavotta        01:05
08.    T.Albinoni / Sinfonia in sol min - Allegro        02:01
09.    T.Albinoni / Sinfonia in sol min - Larghetto        01:07
10.    T.Albinoni / Sinfonia in sol min - Allegro        01:56
11.    T.Albinoni / Concerto a 5 in sol magg - Allegro        01:30
12.    T.Albinoni / Concerto a 5 in sol magg - Adagio        00:51
13.    T.Albinoni / Concerto a 5 in sol magg - Allegro        02:04
14.    N. Porpora / Concerto V in mi min - Affettuoso        02:11
15.    N. Porpora / Concerto V in mi min - Allegro        04:06
16.    N. Porpora / Concerto V in mi min - Adagio        02:22
17.    N. Porpora / Concerto V in mi min - Giga \ Allegro        02:26
18.    A.Caldara / dalla Passione di Gesщ Christo - Grave        01:23
19.    A.Caldara / dalla Passione di Gesщ Christo - Andante        03:05
20.    B. Marcello / Sinfonia in sol magg. - allegro assai        02:42
21.    B. Marcello / Sinfonia in sol magg. - Andante        05:07
22.    B. Marcello / Sinfonia in sol magg. - Presto        01:55
23.    F. Gasparini / Ouverture da "L'oracolo del fato" - Vivace        00:46
24.    F. Gasparini / Ouverture da "L'oracolo del fato" - Allegro        02:02
25.    J. A. Hasse / Overtura - Allegro        02:25
26.    J. A. Hasse / Overtura - Andante        03:30
27.    J. A. Hasse / Overtura - Minuetto        00:31
28.    J. A. Hasse / Overtura - Presto        00:55
29.    J. A. Hasse / Overtura - Lento        01:22
30.    J. A. Hasse / Overtura - Presto        01:10
31.    N. Porpora / Concerto in sol magg - Adagio        01:35
32.    N. Porpora / Concerto in sol magg - Allegro        03:14
33.    N. Porpora / Concerto in sol magg - Allegro        02:22
34.    N. Porpora / Concerto in sol magg - Presto        01:01

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