RCA LIVING STEREO: Charles Munch, Boston SO - Maurice Ravel - Daphnis Et Chloe

Artist: Charles Munch, Boston Symphony Orchestra,  New England Conservatory Chorus,  New England Conservatory Alumni Chorus 
Album: Maurice Ravel - Daphnis Et Chloe
Released: 2004
 RCA Living Stereo
Catalog N°:
File Format:
 eac_flacs_cue_log covers - 293MB, mp3 VBR 250 - 93mb

On this CD:

1-23. Maurice Ravel - Daphnis Et Chloe 54:29

Review by David Hurwitz (ClassicsToday.com)

I may be alone in preferring Charles Munch's later recording of Daphnis, from the 1960s, to this classic 1955 version. The remake (last available on Japanese RCA) has even better playing, as well as more modern sound--not that this disc is all that much inferior. In fact, it's still a terrific feat of audio engineering, and Munch's interpretation is just as powerful and committed (and perhaps a bit swifter in the Bacchanal) as it would be later. Given the unavailability of his second effort, you certainly can purchase this with total confidence, and the two-channel SACD brings a touch more vividness to what already was a very fine remastering job. Let's face it: Munch was well nigh unbeatable in this music, and there's no point in quibbling over tiny details. If you don't have this, then by all means don't hesitate. If you do own it, I don't think this latest remastering offers enough obvious differences to warrant trading in the previous release. [1/24/2005]

pw: munch

not my rip, thanks to original riper!

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