Del último álbum de Groove Armada,Black Light, se desprende este impecable Paper Romance. El vídeo de Hope Audikana nos muestra a una chica que parece pasarlo mal, pero eso sí, con muchísimo estilo.
iPhone Versus Android Only eight months after Steve declared that he had reinvented the phone, Information Week announced that Google had created the iPhone’s archenemy - the Android operating system. [1] Android was built by Andy Rubin. The name and logo was copied from the video game, Gauntlet: The Third Encounter , made for Steve’s old employer, Atari. Andy liked to play with the handheld game while he cut his engineering teeth working at Apple. Like Steve, Andy has a penchant for black sweaters - but without the turtleneck. He is also is a tyrant perfectionist. “Rubin kept saying the handset has to be thinner," mumbled one tired Google team member to Michael Arrington of Washington Post , "so we made it thinner". [2] However, the stooped engineer lacks the rock-star presence of his old boss. As Bill did with Windows, Andy would rather ship his idea in many machines rather than one. He pimps out Android to any device maker that wants it. Andy’s not fussy ...
Artist: Jennifer Bate at the Cavaille-Coll Organ of L'Eglise de la Sainte-Trinite, Paris and Organ of St. Pierre de Beauvais Cathedral Album: Olivier Messiaen (1908-1992) : Diptyque, Verset pour la Fete de la Dedicace, Livre du Saint Sacrament Released: 2002 Label: Regis Catalog N°: RRC 2052 Genre: Classical, Organ File Format: eac_iso_wv_cue_log covers 311MB, 316MB Grand Organ of L'eglise de la Sainte-Trinité, Paris Livre du Saint Sacrement World Premiere Recording Recorded in Messiaen's presence at his organ, St. Trinité, Paris Jennifer enjoys the unique reputation as a world authority on the French composer, Olivier Messiaen, and was his organist of choice. In 1975, upon hearing Jennifer Bate perform a program of his works, Olivier Messiaen wrote the following recommendation about Jennifer Bate. " an excellent organist, not only for her virtuosity, but also for her musicianship and sensitivity in choosing her timbres. She is a really accomplishe...
01 - Desafio IX para flauta e piano , op. 31 nº9 (1968-83) a. Cadenza b. Desafio 02 - Solo I para flauta solo , op. 60 (1984) 03 - Canticum Instrumentale , para flauta, harpa, piano e timpani, op. 25 (1967) 04 - Desafio II para violoncelo e piano , op. 31 nº2 (1968) a. Cadenza b. Desafio Sonata para viola solo , op. 11 (1963) 05 - I. Animato ed energico 06 - II. Lento, molto cantabile 07 - III. Vivo Emi-Angel 31C 063270107 1984 DOWNLOAD (atualizado em 16/11/2010)