Vídeo Amy Macdonald: Don't Tell Me That It's Over

El vídeo para Don't Tell Me That It's Over ha sido grabado en los Black Island Studios, en Londres, bajo la dirección de Tom Bird. Amy Macdonald interpreta Don't Tell Me That It's Over sobre una densa y creciente textura musical elaborada mediante guitarras, teclados, piano, batería, violines, viola y violonchelo. El single abre su exitoso A Courious Thing, el segundo disco de larga duración de la cantante y compositora escocesa Amy Macdonald.

The video shot for Don't Tell Me That It's Over has been shot in the Black Island Studios, in London, directed by Tom Bird. Amy Macdonald sings Don't Tell Me That It's Over over a dense and growing musical texture made by means of accoustic, bass and electric guitars, keyboards, piano, drums, violins, violas and cello. This single is the first track of her successful A Courious Thing, the second album recorded by the Scottish singer and songwritter Amy Macdonald.

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