TACTUS MUSIC: Gaetano Valeri (1760/64 - 1822) - Concerti per Organo e Sinfonie per Orchestra

Artist: Luca Scandali (organ), Fabrizio Ammento - Hermans Consort
Released: 2007
Label: Tactus
Catalog N°: TC 762201
Genre: Classical
File Format: EAC-RIP | WV, IMG+CUE, LOG | 308MB | MP3 (lame) VBR-245 V0 | 99MB | Complete scans | 25MB

A little-known aspect of Gaetano Valeri’s musical production, and one still to be studied, is represented by his Sinfonie, the parts of which are extant in manuscript in the Biblioteca Capitolare of Padua (cat. nrs. 59.21, 28-33) and in the Biblioteca Civica of Lugo di Romagna (C 13). Gaetano Valeri uses the term “sinfonia” to indicate his instrumental compositions (for strings and two pairs of winds) written in a single movement, or occasionally in two movements (Allegro and Largo) with a repetition of the first, utilizing the form which he most favored in his keyboard sonatas. The option of a single movement was characteristic of composers from the Veneto (the most significant representative being B. Galuppi), and it continued to be a favorite form of Paduan composers even at the end of the eighteenth century. In the case of the bipartite works, Valeri juxtaposes episodes contrasting in both character and tempo, following the example of B. Marcello and, again, Galuppi. The repetition of the fast first movement, on the other hand, reflects a formal structure employed by P. Anfossi in the “da capo” ouverture. Like the sonatas, Valeri’s Sinfonie commonly present a division into two parts, recalling the dance forms of the baroque suite. ... read more

01. 01. Sinfonia per Orchestra in Re magg. - I.Allegro con brio 04:25
02. 02. Sinfonia per Orchestra in Re magg. - II.Largo - Allegro con brio 04:59
03. 03. Concerto per organo e orchestra in Sol magg. - I.Allegro 06:17
04. 04. Concerto per organo e orchestra in Sol magg. - II.Largo 03:35
05. 05. Concerto per organo e orchestra in Sol magg. - III.Rondo - Allegro 04:58
06. 06. Sinfonia Rondo per orchestra in Do magg. - Allegro 03:34
07. 07. Sinfonia per orchestra in Re magg./Si min. - Adagio - Allegro con brio 05:06
08. 08. Sinfonia Rondo per orchestra in Si b magg. - Con brio 04:28
09. 09. Concerto per organo e orchestra in Si b magg. - I.Allegro moderato 05:42
10. 10. Concerto per organo e orchestra in Si b magg. - II.Adagio 02:45
11. 11. Concerto per organo e orchestra in Si b magg. - I.Rondo (Allegro) 04:31
12. 12. Sinfonia per Orchestra in Re magg. - I.Allegro 04:51
13. 13. Sinfonia per Orchestra in Re magg. - II.Larghetto - Allegro 05:25

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