TACTUS ORGAN MUSIC: Emilio Traverso - Lo Storico Organo Alari (1773)

Organ Music | Label: Tactus | Catalog Number: 600007
RAR 3% Rec. | FS.com RS.com, FF.com

 This recording presentes a significant outline of italian organi music composed from 17th to 18th century, suggested by the history and the phonic characteristics of this organ. Te program begins with the first Sonata by Ignazio Sperger, a composer which elongs to Venetian school. He was born in Treviso, where he also worked as organ and harpsichord player, Hes live cannot be fully documented. The certain only thing ist hat he wrote a lot of collections of organ Snatas. Some of them wewe publisched during his life, the others ones have been preserved as manuscripts in many italians libraries, such that of Conservatorio “N. Paganini“ in Genoa... read more

01. Ignazio Sperger - Sonata 1 in FA maggiore - Allegro 05:13
02. Ignazio Sperger - Sonata 1 in FA maggiore - Andante sostenuto 05:04
03. Ignazio Sperger - Sonata 1 in FA maggiore - Allegro 04:49
04. Bernardo Pasquini - Toccata 07:11
05. Bernardo Pasquini - Toccata con lo scherzo del cucco 05:06
06. Bernardo Pasquini - Partorale 06:20
07. Bernardo Pasquini - Passacagli 04:24
08. Domenico Scarlatti - Sonata in FA maggiore K 366 02:50
09. Domenico Scarlatti - Pastorale K 513 04:00
10. Domenico Scarlatti - Sonata in SIb maggiore K 57 04:04
11. Gaetano Valerj - Grande Sinfonia in SIb maggiore 06:46
12. Gaetano Valerj - Sonata in DO maggiore 03:39
13. Gaetano Valerj - Sonata in RE maggiore 03:28
14. Gaetano Valerj - Siciliana 03:13
15. Gaetano Valerj - Sinfonia in RE minore 06:57

Composers: Ignazio Sperger (1734 -1808), Bernardo Pasquini (1637 - 1710), Domenico Scarlatti (1685 - 1757), Gaetano Valerj (1760 - 1822)
Performer: Emilio Traverso

password: tactus

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